Organizational Structure
Administratively, as a non-degree-giving organization, Taksha operates as a synergistic collection of (1) Program Divisions referred to as Institutes or Centers, to conduct research and development, and to provide learning on topics of current interest by planning and organizing meeting events (including workshops, seminars, conferences, expos, and demos); and (2) Support Departments, to provide Meetings, Publishing, Computational, Multi-media, and Administrative Support Services. Each unit has its own Chair, along with a Council of Advisors or an Executive Manager, and its own budget allocation and cost controls. The Chairs and other staff are located across the globe, but are networked and linked electronically via email or telephone to the TI administrative support personnel, who provide logistical, and event support in conducting their TI workshops, conferences, or research at different locations and facilities, worldwide.
While the TI Headquarters Office provides the central administrative role to facilitate communications and work implementation, each division unit acts as the central node in its own field of specialization to interact and work with a network of research groups worldwide on projects that often cannot be implemented or performed alone in a meaningful manner. The administrative and logistical support for each School is provided by staff at the TI offices at Hampton, VA and in Silicon Valley, CA, as needed.
TI Headquarters, located in Hampton, Virginia, provides General and Administration (G&A) support to all Divisions in an efficient and cost-effective manner, including finance, job-cost accounting, and contracts management, property and equipment inventory and facility management, human resources, web design and maintenance, and state of the art computer networking system, for the benefit of Taksha staff members and Chairpersons located worldwide.
The Institute has been, or continues to be subsidized by research contracts/grants from federal and state agencies, registration fees from its meeting events, donations from private and public foundations, and in-kind services. TakshaShila Institute is an independent, tax-exempt, 501(c)3, not-for-profit organization (I.D.175378-9), incorporated in the Commonwealth of Virginia since 1977, hence donations payable to “Taksha Institute” are tax-deductible, as further explained in the Donations section.