Ganapati R. Myneni, PhD
Ganapati R. Myneni, PhD, is the Chair of the Taksha Sustainable Energy Center (TSEC) and member of the Council of Advisors (CoA) at the Taksha Institute of Yoga Therapy and Meditation (IYTM), a division of the Taksha Center for Integrative Medicine and Yoga (CIMY). He graduated from the Indian Institute of Technology Madras (IITM), Chennai, India. His PhD thesis work was carried out at the Fritz Haber Institute of the Max Planck Society in Berlin, supported by the Joint European Torus (JET) Culham in England, and his post post doctoral work was conducted at the Institute of Cryogenics, University of Southampton, England. His areas of expertise and experience include low temperature physics, vacuum and cryogenic instrumentation, surface science, hydrogen in matter and the superconducting science and technology of ingot niobium.
Dr. Myneni now represents several scientific organizations and universities in Virginia, among which is a recent appointment by the Governor of Virginia to the Board of Directors of Virginia Nuclear Energy Consortium Authority. In addition, he frequently conducts international conferences and workshops on science and technology on topics of current interest, and has edited several conference proceedings and published numerous papers in peer reviewed journals.
For Dr. Myneni’s full CV, please see :