GMAISSS Symposium (Future)
ISSSAMOR II: 2nd International Symposium on Small Satellites for Arctic and Maritime Operations and Research
Date | TBA |
Venue | Washington, DC (TBA) |
Director | G. Guy Thomas – Chair, TI/GMAISSS |
Sponsor | Global Maritime Awareness Institute for Security, Safety, & Stewardship (GMAISSS) |
Sponsored by:
- Taksha Institute (TI)
- Global Maritime Awareness Institute for Safety, Security, and Stewardship (GMAISSS)
- Taksha Institute for Small Satellite Space Systems (TISSSS)
- Journal of Small Satellites (JoSS)
In Cooperation with:
- Invited Government and Industry Representatives
Symposium Objectives
The primary objective of the symposium is to provide a forum to discuss and exchange information for the enhancement of the safety and security of the Arctic environment and global maritime assets, including the protection of the maritime environment and its resources, as well as the people and vessels who traverse the waters of the world.
The secondary objective is to promote collaboration on science and technology to further Arctic and maritime awareness through increases in the capability of systems, both terrestrial and space based, as well as the shared use of the output of existing systems for the good of all.
Throughout the course of this one-day symposium, panel discussion, presentations, and Q & A sessions will examine the complete cycle of knowledge from requirements generation to tasking, seeking, collection, fusion and analysis, and decision-making, using automated aids to decision-making and dissemination.
The tertiary objective is to develop short- and long-term recommendations for future action items, and to produce an edited volume of symposium proceedings.
To accommodate the demand we experienced for presentation time on our agenda, we have expanded this year’s symposium to 1-1/2 days.
Stay tuned, for more details and further announcements. If you are not currently receiving our announcements and would like to, please let us know at
Symposium Steering Committee
- G. Guy Thomas, Co-Chair – Chair, TI/GMAISSS; ORBCOMM
- Adarsh Deepak, Co-Chair – Chair, Taksha Institute (TI)
Symposium Technical Committee
- Bob Twiggs – Morehead State University, KY; Chair, TI/TISSSS; JoSS Editor
- Jeff High – TI/GMAISSS, formerly of USCG
- Norman Fitz-Coy – University of Florida; JoSS Editor-in-Chief
- Mark Schoeberl – Science and Technology Corp. (STC)
- J. Vanderlie Martins – University of Maryland, Baltimore Campus (UMBC)
Local Organizing Committee
- Ravi Deepak, TI Silicon Valley Office, NRP, CA: JoSS
- Catherine Houlahan, TI Hampton Office; & JoSS
Registration Fee: TBA
DISCLAIMER: Attendance at this event is for personal growth, and entails no promise of employment.