TIST Seminar (Future)
Hypersonic Flow
Date | TBA |
Venue | TBA |
Advisor | Ajay Kumar, PhD – TI/TIST |
Director | Paul D. Try, Ph.D. – Chair, TI/IFAORS |
Sponsor | Institute for Atmospheric Optics and Remote Sensing (IFAORS) |
Download Flyer | TRS132 Flyer |
The purpose of this seminar is to introduce practicing engineers and graduate students to modern aspects of hypersonic flow associated with present and future hypersonic vehicles, including airbreathing propulsion, entry and descent systems, aerodynamic vehicles, and missile systems. The seminar will cover fundamental aerothermodynamics, reaction kinetics, and aspects of conventional gas dynamics applied to the extreme environments of hypersonic flight. Modern analysis techniques, including introductory computational fluid dynamics (CFD) of non-equilibrium flow will be presented. This seminar is intended to supply a foundation and a motivation for additional in-depth studies. Participants will be given access to computer codes for thermodynamic properties of high-temperature air, shock waves, and nozzle flows, with real gas effects and simplified CFD treatments of blunt bodies under a variety of hypersonic flow conditions.
The seminar will begin with an overview of hypersonic phenomena, stressing the unique extreme hypersonic environment and the additional physical phenomenology required beyond conventional fluid and aerodynamics. This will be followed with an overview of aerothermochemistry and reaction kinetics, including simplified models and curve fits which will be used throughout the course and will be provided to the students. Governing equations of flows with equilibrium and non-equilibrium chemistry and thermodynamics will be presented, including specific treatments for real gas computations of shock waves and nozzle flows. Next, an overview will cover modern analysis methods for hypersonic inviscid and viscous flows, including viscous interactions.
The second half of the seminar will begin with an introductory discussion on computational fluid dynamics (CFD) of hypersonic flow. A simplified but realistic blunt body problem will be introduced to study many aspects of hypersonic flow under perfect gas, equilibrium, and non-equilibrium conditions. the problem will also be used to illustrate numerical aspects, such as numerical algorithms, grid resolution, artificial dissipation, etc., in analyzing hypersonic flow with shock capturing or shock fitting approach. This will be followed with a brief discussion of the current state and limitations of modern CFD codes in their ability to analyze hypersonic flow over realistic systems such as launch vehicles, earth and planetary entry systems, and hypersonic airbreathing propulsion systems. Then, there will be a short overview of experimental testing for examples from hypersonic airbreathing propulsion, earth and planetary entry systems, and launch vehicles.
Day 1
- Session 1: Introduction to Hypersonics (1 hr.)
- Session 2: Aerothermodynamics and Reaction Kinetics (1 hr.)
- Session 3: Hypersonic Gas Dynamics: Equations, Shocks, Expansions (2 hrs.)
- Session 4: Approximate and Exact Inviscid and Viscous Flow Methods (2 hrs.)Day 2
- Session 5: Recap of Day 1 (.5 hr.)
- Session 6: Introductory CFD for Hypersonic Flows (3.5 hrs.)
- Session 7: Experimental Testing (1 hr.)
- Session 8: Introduction to Hypersonic Systems: Entry, Descent, and Landing, and Hypersonic Airbreathing Propulsion (1 hr.)
Handouts will include copies of slides and reference papers, and a copy of Fundamental Concepts of Real Gas Dynamics, by Bernard Grossman.
Regular Fee –Â TBA
Early Registration – TBA
DISCLAIMER: Attendance at this event is for personal growth, and entails no promise of employment.