TIST Seminar (Future)

Systems Engineering Management

Date TBA
Venue TBA
Advisor Wilson Felder, Ph.D. – TI/TIST
Sponsor Institute for Atmospheric Optics and Remote Sensing (IFAORS)


This two-day seminar provides an intensive introduction to the theory and practice of systems engineering, and is designed to give managers of systems engineers a foundation in the important concepts of modern system engineering. It consists of 16 hours of lecture, plus an additional 2+ hours for an evening workshop on the first day, on application of the theory to a practical system engineering problem. The evening session allows participants the opportunity to work in teams to develop a series of artifacts using the tools discussed in the lecture sessions, in discussion with Dr. Felder as they work.

Participants will be exposed to, and have a chance to apply, each of the following systems engineering techniques:

  • Operational concept diagrams
  • Use cases and sequence diagrams
  • the Pugh matrix
  • Quality Functional Deployment
  • Functional decomposition
  • DoD Architecture Framework products
  • Risk matrices

The following topics will be addressed in one- to two-hour blocks of instruction, with associated practical application work:

  • System theory and system thinking concepts
  • Stakeholder understanding and key requirements
  • Operational concept development
  • Functional and input-output requirements
  • Performance requirements
  • Functional architecture development
  • Enterprise architecture concepts
  • Risk management

Who Should Attend?

This seminar is ideal for the project manager who has no formal background in systems engineering but would like an overview of the strategies, tools, and theoretical foundation of key system engineering principles. Attendees will have an opportunity to apply system planning and analytical tools to projects of their own choice, and will gain familiarity with the development of mission needs, key performance parameters, operational architectures, and the development of input, output, functional, and performance requirements, using tools such as the Pugh Matrix, use cases and sequence diagrams, and Quality Functional Deployment. Basic aspects of architectural frameworks and risk management will also be covered.

Registration Fee:


DISCLAIMER: Attendance at this event is for personal growth, and entails no promise of employment.