Taksha Alliance for a Space Economy (TASE)
Resources on Earth, while precious, are but a tiny fraction of those within the Near Solar System. In the evolving Space Economy, most raw materials, suppliers, manufacturing and customers will be located elsewhere, with Earth being a pleasant and treasured vacation place. The Taksha Alliance for a Space Economy (TASE) is an Alliance to facilitate the evolution and transition to such an economy. This starts with ensuring restoration and care for Nature on Earth, and global collaboration in every aspect of the Space Economy.
The development of Smart Villages on Earth, enabling Reverse Migration from crowded cities to pleasant and viable rural life, a future with distributed, sustainable energy independence, cleaning up our air, water, soil and oceans, acoustic, sensory and electromagnetic environment, managing climate evolution, and achieving equitable, caring growth, are all parts of advancing our civilization and hence part of the mission of TASE. Welcome to our grand endeavor.
TASE’s first director is Narayanan Komerath.
Some key publications he has authored are:
- Komerath, N. M., Reversing Global Warming: The Glitter Belt. Amazon, Feb. 2021.
- Komerath, N. and Komerath, P. Micro Renewable Energy Systems. Amazon, Sep. 2016
- Komerath, N. M., Nally, J., Tang, E. Z., Policy Model for Space Economy. Infrastructure. IAC2005-D3.1.1.08, Int. Astronautical Congress, Fukuoka, Japan, Oct. 2005. Invited paper, Acta Astronautica, 61, p. 1066-1075, Nov.-Dec. 2007.
- Komerath, N. M., Towards a Space-Based Economy. Invited Testimony Before the Presidential Commission on the United States Space Program. Atlanta, Mar. 2004.
- Komerath, N., Rocket-Augmented Two Stage Runway-Based Space Access Architecture. IMECE2017-70253. ASME, Tampa, FL, Nov. 2017. Also presented at Indian Institute of Space Technology, TiruAnanthapuram, Jul. 3, 2018.
- Komerath, N. and Flournoy, D., A Five-Nation ISS-Based Millimeter Wave Power Beaming Experiment. Space Dev. Conference, San Diego, CA, May 2013.
- Komerath, N. M. and Reichert, U. N., Economic Interaction Modeling for a Space Economy. AIAA Paper 2008-7791, Space 2008, San Diego, CA, Sep. 2008.
- Komerath, N. M., Modeling The Evolution of a Space Economy. MMMse 2011.
- Komerath, N. M., Reichert, U.N., Economic Interaction Modeling for a Space Economy. AIAA Paper 2008-7791, Space 2008, San Diego, CA, Sep. 2008
- Komerath, N. M., Rangedera, T., and Nally, J., Space-Based Economy Valuation, Analysis, and Refinement, AIAA 2006-7204, Space 2006, San Jose, CA, Sep. 2006.
- Komerath, Gopalakrishnan, and Wanis, Cities in Space: Articulating the Space Based Economy. Boeing-NASA Aerospace Tech. Working Group, Mar. 2004.
- Komerath, N. M., ISS to Island-1: Synergistic Architecture for a Space-Based Economy. Space Resource Utilization Roundtable, Aug. 2002.
TASE Chairman
TASE Council of Advisors (CoA)
TASE Events
TASE-Related Publications Portal
“Policy Model for Space Economy Infrastructure,” by Narayanan Komerath, James Nally, and Elizabeth Zilin Tang. Available at: AA2879 copy
“Economic Interaction Modeling for a Space Economy,” Narayanan Komerath and Usha Nair-Reichert. Available at: AIAA2008-7791 new.
For a list of related publications by Narayanan Komerath, see Selected Publications by N. Komerath (https://taksha.org/storage/2021/04/SpacePubllcations.pdf)