TISSC Publications
This section contains: A. Archives (portals) of publications relevant to all TISSC projects; and B. List of Publications (both written and video) relevant to current TISSC research projects (in alphabetical order of Authors’ last names).
A. Archive of Publications Relevant to All TISSC Projects, Listed by Author:
1.0 Kalyanaraman, S.
Selected publications relevant to all TISSC projects by Dr. S. Kalyanaraman are archived at: https://taksha.org/
B. List of Publications Relevant to Current TISSC Research Projects:
1.0 Kalyanaraman, S.
Additional publications relevant to current TISSC projects by Dr. S. Kalyanaraman are archived at: [under development].
1.1 Glossary of Sanskrit Works
1.1.1 Indian Lexicon — Comparative Dictionary of Over 8,000 Semantic Clusters in 25+ Ancient Bharatiya Languages (5111 pp.). https://www.academia.edu/37229973/Indian_Lexicon_Comparative_dictionary_of_over_8000_semantic_clusters_in_25_ancient_Bharatiya_languages
1.1.2 Dictionary of Sanskrit Dhatu Terms, (2180 dhatu-s). https://ashtadhyayi.com/dhatu/
1.1.3 Vasu, Srisa Chandra* (1896): The Ashtadhyayi of Panini: Translated into English, Book IV, Provincial Civil Service, N. W. P., Sindhu Charan Bose, Panini Office (Pub.), (603-849pp.), (*Rai Bahadur, 1861-1918?). https://www.wilbourhall.org/pdfs/chandravasu/book4.pdf
1.1.4 Vasu, Srisa Chandra* (1897): The Ashtadhyayi of Panini: Translated into English, Book VI–Book VIII, Sindhu Charan Bose (Pub.), Panini Office (1037-1681pp.), (*Rai Bahadur, 1861-1918?). https://archive.org/details/ashtadhyayitrans06paniuoft
1.1.5 Vasu, Srisa Chandra (1905): The Siddhanta Kaumudi of Bhattoji Dikshita: Translated and Edited into English, Vol. III, Vaidic Grammar, Bhuvaneshwari Ashram, Panini Office (Pub.), (38-40 Bahadurganj, Allahabad) (1,246 pp.). https://archive.org/details/ashtadhyayitrans06paniuoft
1.2 A Hindu Temple Buddha Sarrīra Complex 618 to 907 CE at Wuzhistan Ruins in Dali City, Yunnan Province, Southwest China, (2 pp.)(2021).
1.3 A Tribute to Rick Willis, Who Demonstrated Possible Use of Indus Script Copper Plates for Printing. Indus Writing Created Metalwork Catalogs, (58 pp.). https://www.academia.edu/11316267/A_tribute_to_Rick_Willis_who_demonstrated_possible_use_of_Indus_Script_copper_plates_for_printing_Indus_writing_created_metalwork_catalogs?email_work_card=title
1.4 Ahicchatra Ziggurat is a Temple for S’iva Linga Architecture Compared with Mohenjo-daro Ur and Sit-Shamshi Bronze Ziggurat. https://tinyurl.com/ycflkdb4; Mirror: https://bharatkalyan97.blogspot.com/2020/05/ahicchatra-ziggurat-is-temple-for-siva.html
1.5 Algorithms for Machine Learning of Category Identification in Civilizational Epigraphy (AI) Examples of Kalibangan Tablet Dwaraka Seal (2 pp.). https://www.academia.edu/
1.6 An Historical View of the Hindu Astronomy — John Bentley: Let debate on Sri Krishna avatāra be tranquil, ज्योतिष्मती. https://tinyurl.com/878m5b6w
1.7 Ancient Wealth of a Rāṣṭram: How India Contributed to 33% of World GDP in 1 CE (85 pp.). https://www.academia.edu/keypass/STA0Qmx1cXI3QjViN2VpUGNuR2Vrd1dLbnoycWhod1FYYkFOb1A2Mm1pbz0tLVNJN2FlcHh3RW9uRHdVSzZnb1lCdnc9PQ==–012015e7b358219b429c09e9d9c0480135e7c468/t/hqhQd-PssR2FC-Yym6g/resource/work/36891296/Ancient_Wealth_of_a_R%C4%81%E1%B9%A3%E1%B9%ADram_how_India_contributed_to_33_of_World_GDP_in_1_CE?email_work_card=view-paper
1.8 Apadana Hoard (6th C. BCE) Yields Indus Script Hieroglyphs on Lydia Electrum Coin and Hindu Word in Darius I Inscription. Numen, Vol. 49, No. 1 (2002), pp. 1-36 (36 pp.). Published by: Brill
https://www.jstor.org/stable/3270470; https://tinyurl.com/j2we8rcw
1.9 Association of Harp Hieroglyph with Metals Manufactory Hieroglyphs seen on ANE Indus Script inscriptions. https://tinyurl.com/vask4mb
1.10 Bhima Swarga, Indonesia Mahābhārata; Kālaḥ Pacati Bhūtāni ‘Time Cooks Every Creature’, Evidence from 3031 BCE. https://tinyurl.com/h9duxrfw
1.11 Book Announcement: Itihāsa Narration par Excellence: Mahabharat Retold with Scientific Evidence (2021) — Saroj Bal. https://tinyurl.com/2d7k3udf
1.12 Camel Hieroglyph on a Sinauli Comb Signifies Iron Furnace; kāṅga ‘comb’ Rebus kanga ‘brazier, fireplace’; karabha ‘camel’ rebus karba ‘iron’ (March 25, 2021), Nirjharaḥ Mukhopādhyāyaḥ.
1.13 Centre Reconstitutes Panel on Mythical Sarasvati River (date:210315). https://bharatkalyan97.blogspot.com/2021/03/centre-reconstitutes-panel-on-mythical.html;
1.14 Civilizational Epigraphy. Indus Script Abiding Continuum on Coins from Ancient India Mints Documenting Wealth-accounting Ledger (32 pp.). https://www.academia.edu/
1.15 Civilizational Epigraphy Warka Vase Indus Script Hieroglyphs Signify Kāṇa Metalwork Wealth Deposited into Guild Treasury (15 pp.). https://www.academia.edu/
1.16 Cosmic Dancer Indus Script Cipher Metal Casting Smithy Traditions Replicated in a Temple (71 pp.).
1.17 Did Kali Yuga Occur During the Mahabharata War? Book 1. Dr. M.M. Pandit. https://www.vedicastrologer.org/articles/manish_mahabharata_book1.pdf
1.18 Discovery of a Rosetta Stone for अवि ‘Golden Fleece,’ a Rgveda Potr̥, ‘Purifier Priest,’ Pōtadāra প োদ্দোর Pōddāra, ‘Assayer of Metals’ (76 pp.). https://www.academia.edu/41468078/Discovery_of_a_Rosetta_stone_for_%E0%A4%85%E0%A4%B5%E0%A4%BF_golden_fleece_a_Rgveda_Potr_purifier_priest_po_tad%C4%81ra_%E0%A6%AA%E0%A7%8B%E0%A6%A6_%E0%A6%A6%E0%A6%BE%E0%A6%B0_p%C5%8Ddd%C4%81ra_assayer_of_metals?email_work_card=title
1.19 Evidence of Temple (Smithy) Hypertexts in Indus Script. Pratiṣṭhā of rasaśālā artisans’ mandiram ಕಾಯಕವೇ ಕೈಲಾಸ — Basava: work is worship.– Rasa ratna samuccaya (44 pp.).
1.20 Four Bhirrana Seals Deciphered as Metalwork Catalogues. https://tinyurl.com/4v2jex53
[Bhirrana is one of the oldest Sarasvati Sindhu Civilization sites dated to ca. 7500 to 7000 BCE. The seals are dated to ca. 2800 to 1700 BCE. ]
1.21 Hindu Astronomy and Calendars Undefined Dates of सप्तर्षि or Laukika युधिष्ठिर eras यत्रा सप्त ऋषीन् पर एकमाहुः RV.10.82.2. https://tinyurl.com/x8dcx42j
1.22 Indian Musicians in Mesopotamia — Shail Vyas ājakārḥ आजकारः Śiva’s bull & algar ‘bull lyre’. https://bharatkalyan97.blogspot.com/2020/03/indian-musicians-in-mesopotamia-shail.html
1.23 Indus Script Civilizational Journey of Tambur ‘Lute’. Hebrew kinnōr ‘harp’ kinnara ‘musical instrument celestial choristers’. https://tinyurl.com/y8a8w2en
1.24 Indus Script Data Archive Knowledge System Inscriptions Signify Sphalerite (zinc-ferrite alloys) (103 pp.). https://www.academia.edu/26531264/Indus_Script_data_archive_knowledge_system_inscriptions_signify_sphalerite_zinc_ferrite_alloys?email_work_card=view-paper
1.25 Indus Script Hieroglyph is pã̄ḍā pã̄ḍyā ‘tiger cub’ rebus पांड्या pāṇḍyā Customs Scribe Accountant in फड Paṭṭaḍa ‘Metals Manufactory Company Guild’ (7 pp.).
1.26 Indus Script Meluha Hypertexts Process Meaning from Sensory Information of Urukean Harp and ḍangur ‘bullock’. https://tinyurl.com/ybpcac89
1.27 Itihāsa: Concept of Yuga संध्या and Saṃ-dhyā & Saṃ-dhyāṃśa when MBh War Occurred कलिद्वापरयॊरअन्तरे (3067 BCE). https://tinyurl.com/3he52r73
1.28 Itihāsa Kālagaņanā (Chronology) Bhāratiya Itihāsa कंस चाणूर मर्दनम् occurred on February 18, 3102 BCE Kaliyugādi. https://tinyurl.com/2e4rbcx5
1.29 Itihāsa. Prāptaṃ Kaliyugaṃ Viddhi, says Sri Kr̥ṣṇa; Kali Yuga arrived before the end of Sri Kr̥ṣṇa Avatāra, pramāṇa from MBh. https://tinyurl.com/34mpf3rs
1.30 Jagati ‘Pedestal of an Idol’ with Dhāu ‘Mineral’ Trefoils Rebus धामन् Dhāman ‘Wealth’ (36 pp.).
1.31 Krishna avatāra occurs between 3112 and 3031 BCE — ज्योतिष view presented by Prof. Srinivasa Raghavan. https://tinyurl.com/yhjdrn88
1.32 MBh War Dates Derived by Astronomers Range from 2nd. m to 6th m. BCE दैव्यम् daivyam will lead them to a consensus. https://www.academia.edu/44792423/3067BCE_Dissection_of_Theories_on_The_Mahabharata; https://tinyurl.com/jachc7v5
1.33 Metaphors of Rgveda and Indus Script Hypertexts Falcon Overflow Pot Mirrored in Ancient Near East (122 pp.). https://www.academia.edu/39570442/Metaphors_of_R_gveda_and_Indus_Script_hypertexts_falcon_overflow_pot_mirrored_in_Ancient_Near_East?email_work_card=view-paper
1.34 Microscopic, Biochemical, and Stable Isotopic Investigation of Seven Multi-nutritional Food-balls from Indus Archaeological Site, Rajasthan (India) — Rajesh Agnihotri et al. (2021). https://bharatkalyan97.blogspot.com/2021/03/microscopic-biochemical-and-stable.html
1.35 Paṭṭamara Koṭiya SangaDa Bagala Types of ‘Seafaring Dhow’ Signified on Indus Script Inscriptions (93 pp.).
1.36 Persepolis Cylinder Seal 550-330 BCE with Indus Script Hieroglyphs Accounting Ledger of Metals Workshop. https://tinyurl.com/49bkjbc9
1.37 Petroglyphs of Ratnagiri Rajapur laterite ore areas of Konkan goṭa goṭā ‘laterite ferrite ore’.goṭī ‘lump of silver’ खोट [khōṭa] ‘ingot alloy’ (62 pp.).
1.38 Priest is Pōtadāra पोतदार ‘Wealth Assayer’ Animals Other Pictographs of Indus Script are Metalwork Clusters Wealth Accounting Classifiers (123 pp.). https://www.academia.edu/37379311/Priest_is_p%C5%8Dtad%C4%81ra_%E0%A4%AA%E0%A5%8B%E0%A4%A4%E0%A4%A6%E0%A4%BE%E0%A4%B0_wealth_assayer_animals_other_pictographs_of_Indus_Script_are_metalwork_clusters_wealth_accounting_classifiers?email_work_card=view-paper
1.39 Publication Announcement: HYMNS OF HARAPPA. Email: kalyan97@yahoo.com
1.40 Puṣya, Tiṣya or Kaliyuga Era of BCE 3102 — John Faithfull Fleet says ‘Twilight’ is Saṃ-dhyāṃśa; Dawn is Saṃ-dhyā of 100 Years Each. https://tinyurl.com/ed8schm4. This is an addendum to: Krishna avatāra occurs between 3112 and 3031 BCE — ज्योतिष view, presented by Prof. Srinivasa Raghavan at https://tinyurl.com/yhjdrn88.
1.41 Significance of Kali Era | https://tinyurl.com/a3r9am25 [On February 18, 3102 BCE, Kansa was killed by 11 year-old Sri Kṛṣṇa and Ugrasena Kansa’s father was re-coronated.]
1.42 Signifiers of śreṇi ‘guild’ seṇi-mukha ‘head of guild’ mokka ‘tumbler’ mokkha ‘chief’ on Harappa Script inscriptions (32 pp.).
1.43 Suśruta, ca. 600 BCE, Father of Surgery, (2 pp.). https://www.academia.edu/
1.44 Tiny bronze boar with a karã̄ ‘torc, bangle’ on neck dug up in Cambridgeshire garden Indus Script hieroglyph signifies wood, iron artificer, khār ‘blacksmith’, (2 pp.).https://metro.co.uk/2021/01/
1.45 Tantra Yukti Devices (40) Derive Vākyārtha ‘Meanings’ to Decipher Hypertexts of Indus Sarasvati Script.pdf (51 pp.).
1.46 Toda Munda/Mudhif Metaphors Indus Script Bhāratīya Sprachbund Hypertexts rã̄go buffalo rebus rāṅgā ‘tin spelter pewter’ to Create Alloy Metals (35 pp.).
1.47 Unique Sign Design Feature of स ां गड sāṅgaḍa is rebus, saṁgaha ‘catalogues’ of metalwork wealth on Indus Script Cipher (50 pp.). https://www.academia.edu/36141258/Unique_sign_design_feature_of_%E0%A4%B8_%E0%A4%BE%E0%A4%82_%E0%A4%97%E0%A4%A1_s%C4%81%E1%B9%85ga%E1%B8%8Da_is_rebus_sa%E1%B9%81gaha_catalogues_of_metalwork_wealth_on_Indus_Script_cipher?email_work_card=view-paper
1.48 Wealth Accounting Ledgers of Paṭṭaḍe Phaḍa Metals Manufactories of Sarasvati Civilization in Indus Script (62 pp.)
1.49 वसुदेवसुतं देवं कंस चाणूर मर्दनम् । https://tinyurl.com/69b8t6ss
[The event occurred on 18 Feb. 3102 BCE, the start date of Kali Era.]
2.0 Komerath, Narayanan M.
2.1 A Technology Countdown Approach To Historical Timelines (2020), [modified paper originally presented at WAVES2020]. https://taksha.org/wp-con
2.2 Hofmeyr, Isabel and Lavery, Charne (2021): Exploring the Indian Ocean as a Rich Archive of History —Above and Below the Water Line.